Written By: Girl Tyler

Black women are killing the game on just about every level. Just look at Stacey Abrams. She led the way in Georgia helping the Biden-Harris campaign take the White House. And the rest is history. Political ambitions aside, Black women continue to be the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs running circles around men and other ethnic groups. Although the pandemic brought crush financial defeat across the board, our resilience is worth watching.

Our influence cannot be stripped or contained. Black girls BEEN LIT! Below is a list of 10 women who are all about business and have been known to share the keys to their success along the way. Many of them started off working a 9-to-5 and stepped out on faith after developing a problem-solving product or platform. Follow and support these inspiring entrepreneurs on social media and through their company newsletters.

Bea Dixon

Founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company | @iambeadixon

Tiffany Aliche

Founder of The Budgetnista | @thebudgetnista

Shontay Lundy

Founder of Black Girl Sunscreen | @shontay_lundy

Jasmine Crowe

Founder of Goodr | @jasminecrowe

Cashmere Nicole

Founder and CEO of Beauty Bakerie Makeup | @cakeandcashmere

Kashmir Thompson

Creator of KashmirVIII | @kashmirviii

Jessica O. Matthews

Founder and CEO of Uncharted Power | @jessomatt

Naj Austin

Founder and CEO of Ethel's Club | @najaustin

Arlan Hamilton

Founder of Backstage Capital | @arlanwashere

Courtney Caldwell

Co-Founder and COO of ShearShare | @iamcourtneycaldwell

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