Written By: Saeeda Ruffin

Bye and good riddance to that atrocity that we will simply refer to as “last year”. Whew! The world went through some stuff. Almost everyone is running toward 2021 with arms wide open. Can you blame them? Why not bring a new attitude into the brand-new year? Yes, fresh perspectives and positive vibes need to flow. It’s a New Year, Y’all! Therefore, in recognition of making it through, 2021 shall henceforth and forevermore be known to all as “The Year of The Breakthrough”. Yes, Yes, and Yes!


Let’s make this year the most amazing year ever! It starts with a renewed commitment to your own well-being. Isn’t YOUR breakthrough supposed to be about YOU? Why of course it is. So, don’t hesitate to make a wholehearted commitment to yourself. Your inner happiness, your inner strength, and your peace should be the focus as we move into 2021. So, break out of that old mindset and take care of you. It’s about time!


After the many challenges of the past year, sisters all over the map realize the need to build our village and nurture our people. In 2021, be a village builder. We NEED sisters who are dedicated to working to uplift, unite, and support “us”. From mentoring to volunteering, the care that you give will be invaluable.

Last year we learned, yet again, that NOBODY cares for our families the way they deserve to be cared for except us. Black women. We each have work to do and our village needs all the love we can give it. Step out of your comfort zone and reach out.


How long have you put off learning that skill, getting that degree, or creating that new stream of income? If you’re like most, the answer is likely “too long”. Now is the time to do it. Don’t do it because others think it’s time. Do it because you know your life will be so much better and far more satisfying. Change can be scary, but deep in your heart, you know it’s time. So, let go of whatever’s been holding you back. Make that change and get your learning on. Your next chapter starts now. You deserve the chance to be the BEST YOU EVER!


Fear can keep us from doing so many things. It can be the greatest source of our stress, making us feel trapped and lacking in control. As a grown woman, you know that you cannot control everything that happens in life — and that’s totally okay. Learn to be fine with that. In 2021, break free from fear. Be FEARLESS! If it’s a situation that you need to change, change it. If it’s a dream that you want to pursue, pursue it. If it’s dealing with obstacles (and haters, cause you know they’re gonna hate) with grace, then, deal with them. But, Sis, LET THAT FEAR GO! 


Last year, black people were treated with utter disrespect. That’s right. Despite a historic victory with the election of the first black woman Vice President of the United States, Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, we still had to deal with too much negativity. In 2021, know your rights and be prepared to do whatever you need to do to preserve those rights. 

From voting in local government elections to being more vocal about infringements on your rights and educating others about theirs, let’s pledge to do your part for the safety and sanctity of our communities. Break the cycle of voter suppression and fight against any system that works to diminish your freedom and take your power away. It’s 2021 and letting all of the craziness proliferate is no longer an option. Be over that nonsense and do your part to make a positive difference. This ain’t “last year” Sis.

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