Written By: Girl Tyler

‘Tis the season to be stressed out, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. JK! But seriously, Christmas time can do a number on your mental health. Relatives, the ones who like to work your last nerve, are more overwhelming than usual. Your credit card bill spirals out of control. The last-minute requests at work continue to pile up while you scramble to check off a few more goals on your list by December 31st at 11:59 p.m. Christmas time is reserved for gift giving and spreading joy to those around you, but what the world needs right now is the best version of you. It’s a YOU season! Don’t wait until the madness piles up. Approach the holiday season with style and grace. Deck the halls with our 25 Days of Black Girl Sleigh guide.


Blast “Sleigh Ride” by TLC
Decorate your favorite room
Deep condition while you make Christmas cards
Listen to a guided meditation
Mix up a holiday cocktail 
Read “Just As I Am” by Cicely Tyson
Go to a Christmas play
No cooking tonight! Order in
Find a DIY craft
Catch up on your favorite podcast
Enjoy a mug of hot cocoa!
Light a candle
Listen to your favorite Izzy & Liv playlist
Try a new protective style
Buy yourself a warm and fuzzy gift
Watch your favorite Christmas film
Paint your nails a festive color
Drive around and marvel at the Christmas lights
Bake a sweet treat
Make a brown sugar and gingerbread body scrub
Invite the girls over for a pajama party
Post affirmations around the house
Take yourself on a date
Make your 2022 vision board
Run it up, sis! Purchase everything in your online cart

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