One of the most underrated health, beauty, and wellness products are essential oils. Essential oils are the multipurpose gems that have been used for thousands of years as healing remedies for many of life’s ailments, as beauty treatments, and even as household items. Essential oils are a great alternative to using medicine, chemical based beauty products, or other artificial products that have become part of your daily life. Ready to give essential oils a try? Here are some ways you can incorporate essential oils into your routine this winter:

  1. Use an essential oil to nourish your hair from root to tip. – Try mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with another carrier oil like coconut or jojoba in a spray bottle. Shake it up and spray on your hair to help unclog pores, soothe an itchy scalp, and nourish excessively dry hair. This combo is also great for managing dandruff and stimulating hair growth as well!
  1. Try some aromatherapy. – This has to be one of the more common uses and well known uses for essential oils. There are so many different uses for essential oils when it comes to aromatherapy but our favorites would have to be using chamomile essential oil to help soothe and relax after a stressful day. Another great option is to use peppermint oil to ease some ailments like headaches or sinus pain. A few drops in your bath or shower should do the trick!
  1. Feeling under the weather? Try this. – Eucalyptus essential oil is one of the best oils to use if your battling any kind of respiratory ailment. It’s cooling antiseptic properties are a great way to feel fight a runny nose or cold. Applying a few drops on the sides of your nose is a great for a quick fix.
  1. Insomnia be gone! – There’s a reason so many night time baby bath products are infused with lavender. It’s no secret that lavender oil is known for its relaxing qualities. You apply a few drop in your own bath or shower to help you unwind before bed or even apply some on your pillow case to fall asleep in no time.
  1. Add some essential oils to your recipes. – Aromatherapy and external uses aren’t the only ways to use essential oils in your life. There are some types of essential oils that can be used to enhance your favorite recipes. In the spirit of colder weather, add some peppermint oil to your tea for a nice minty flavor. Lavender oil is also a great addition to any chocolate dish.
  1. Wipe away those blemishes. – Dealing with a breakout? Lemon oil might just be your best friend. Try wiping your face with some lemon oil and hot water. Not only will you feel refreshed, but it’ll help you focus more, and kill those pesky pimples.
  1. Fight the Flu. – While you may not be able to prevent the flu with this one, oregano oil is a great way to combat the flu–or the common cold–should you catch it. Consider oregano oil as nature’s antibiotic because of its’ natural antibacterial qualities. Put a couple drops on your tongue or add a few drops to your bath to help you with your recovery.
  1. Get rid of the jet lag. – For everyone getting ready to cross off a few things on their travel bucket list this year listen up. You can use essential oils to treat your jet lag before during and after your trip. Lemon oil is great to help keep your electrolytes balanced as you get ready for take off. During travel make use of some calming oils like lavender to keep you at ease during your trip. And essential oils like grapefruit oil is a great way to stimulate your body and mind once you return home.

Ready to start using essential oils in your daily life? Let us know how it goes!

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