
How many of us can admit that far too often, we’ve written resolutions year after year only to find ourselves not completing them. Maybe you’re like me and you have refrained from writing a new year resolutions list this year because of that same reason. Still, you know deep down there are practical goals you want to accomplish in 2018. We all need some daily motivation to keep us going. And because this is the year 2018, there’s an app for that. There are thousands of apps to choose from to help you achieve your resolutions throughout the year. So no matter what the goal is- financial management, losing weight, or learning a new skill- there really is an app for that. Check out some of these apps (IOS and Android) that will help you OWN your New Year’s resolutions.

  1. Mint– If your primary goal is to get your finances under control then this app is one of the best out there. From the makers of TurboTax, Mint allows you to keep track of all your bank accounts, credit/debit cards, scheduled bills, and any investments you have. You can also budget your spending. This app will notify you when a bill is due. Best of all this app is free and your information is heavily secured.
  1. Duo lingo– Learning a new language is not just for kids. You can still learn a new language as an adult. It is great for your brain, looks great on resumes, and it shows you are open to learning other cultures. Duo lingo is a great and very easy to use. It utilizes images, voice, and quizzes to nail down new words, including grammar.  You start at basic levels and work your way up on a daily basis. Since this is an app, you are learning at your own pace on your own time.
  1. Headspace– Let’s say you are looking to reduce your stress levels in 2017 (if so, I’m with you on that one!) Headspace is a good place to start if meditation is something you are interested in. With this app, you will start with its Take10 level 1 course. This is just the basics of practicing daily meditation for 10 minutes. From there you can keep track of your progress. The purpose of Headspace is to help you understand how meditation can lead to a having a healthier lifestyle. I’ve used this in the past to help me manage my stress and I can’t recommend it enough.
  1. Moves– If you can’t seem to find the time to go to the gym, Moves is an interesting fitness app if you want to keep track of your everyday exercise such as running and walking. This app keeps track of routes you take. It uses a pedometer to count how many steps you are taking. Moves is a good app if you want to ease your way into working out.
  1. Evernote– I think most of us had an at least one “I need to get my stuff together“ moment or more. Evernote is perfect for organizing every aspect of your life. It’s ideal for list makers, note takers, and anyone who loves bookmarking web pages. You can use it as a planner to mark all your upcoming festivities. It’s great on the work front. You can use Evernote for presentations, crafting documents and memos. Write down brainstorming ideas and share them with collaborators on creative projects.
  1.  Glassdoor– Glassdoor is for those of you on the hunt for your dream job this year. Researching companies will help you narrow down your job searches faster and using the Glassdoor app will do this trick effectively. You can read reviews by employees, get salary reports, and be up to date on the newest job listings at specific companies. You can also get a peek into the interview process by reading what kinds of questions your potential employer may ask you. Start brushing up on those interview skills!

Have you tried any of these apps mentioned above? Let us know which apps are you using for your resolutions in the comments.

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