As it is today, there is nearly a 50 percent chance that a woman will be named President of the United States. Hilary Clinton could be the very first woman president in history. For the first time ever women really could rule the free world.

Imagine a world where women were the dominant gender; where women made all the rules and set the standard for how society would get their information. Better yet, imagine a world where black women ruled. Being that black women often have a very different perspective on womanhood, if we ruled, I’m thinking that the following amazing things would happen:

1. There would be an abundance of African American leading roles in Hollywood films. From horror to romantic comedies, we would make sure to give our people an opportunity to shine on the silver screen. The Oscars would look more like the United Nations and less like a Trump rally.

2. A black hair store on every corner. You don’t know the utter annoyance of having to drive several miles away just to get some Aphogee protein hair treatment. No joke. Moreover, every black hair store will be owned by black people. There’s nothing worse than walking into a hair store and the workers have no clue what a pick comb is.

3. Through some of the best black female biologists, we would make history in inventing a molecule that prevents humans from gaining weight after eating exorbitant amounts of soul food. Those biologists would also invent a mechanism to prevent all other health problems that occur from eating too much delicious buttery foods. Listen, we love our collard greens and yams, so we’d be willing to forfeit a few more tax dollars to be able to eat them, guilt-free.

4. The standard of beauty would change dramatically. Big lips, full curly hair or dreads, curves and all shades of brown skin would be considered the most beautiful. I mean, we already know it is, but if black women ruled the world, everyone else would too.
5. Magazines and television shows would be inundated with black figures. Gone would be the days of innocent children choosing the white dolls over the black. Now, all children would be able to appreciate blackness and see the beauty in it.

6. There would be a world-wide press conference on taking back all ideas, terminology, inventions, etc. created by black people. It would be world-known that black people invented hockey. It would also be understood amongst all nations that black women were twerking before Miley Cyrus was even a thought. Heck, our ancestors in Africa were twerking before America was founded; but that’s another story all-together.
7. We already have Harriet Tubman coming to a $20 bill near you, but if black women ruled we’d have all the other prominent black people in history on our money. If we can get Harriet on a bill, there’s so much more accomplishments to be made. After all, this is our country too.
8. Finally, if black women ruled the world, we would defeat world hunger for good by bringing all of the best soul food cooks together and creating non-perishable food items to feed the impoverished nations. Black women would be responsible for ushering in a new era of peace for the world.
Beyonce knew what she was talking about ladies, we really do run this!

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