Written By: Saeeda Ruffin

Every day brings its share of challenges and victories, and let’s be honest, we all encounter difficulties at some point. Ultimately, how you respond to the curveballs that are thrown your way, as well as the triumphs (YAY!), determines how they affect your life. You can easily let the negatives overshadow the positives; or you can refuse to allow them to unravel everything you’ve worked so hard for. Nothing is more empowering than overcoming an obstacle, Sis. So, how can you promote positive vibes and kick all that negativity to the curb? The answer is simple: Plan. Accomplish. Celebrate. Repeat.


Keep your plans realistic and do not forget to plan for the “unexpected”. Strategic planning will give you that sense of being in control that you need to succeed. When you don’t plan for the “unexpected”, it’s normal to panic when things go off script. So, while you’re planning your projects or events, take time to make note of things that can possibly go wrong and create a contingency plan for those obstacles and distractions. Things seldom go exactly as planned, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go well, or even better than planned. When the “unexpected” happens, don’t fall apart — regroup and remind yourself that you’re in control. You’re ready for this!


Your ability to execute is super important. When your skills, your management ability, and your patience are tested, that’s when your Black Girl Magic is on full display for the world to see. So, when your plan comes together and you’ve executed it to perfection, stand back and shine like the rock star you are.


After you have done the impossible or even if you simply accomplished that nagging task that you set out to do, remember to give yourself some dap. Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments big and small! If you always wait for others to give you the credit you deserve, or a pat on the back, it may never happen. Nope. Don’t let that keep you from celebrating the obstacles you have overcome or that perfectly executed plan. Do something special for yourself — then prepare to quickly move on to the next challenge. Cheers to you!


What’s next? How about another chance to put your prowess to the test? Yes Sis. Keep moving onward and upward. Every chance you take to better yourself, your skills, and your life will benefit you and give you an even greater feeling of self-worth — and that’s something you can’t buy! So, get your mind in gear, plow through the obstacles, and rack up those wins. You deserve every single one!

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