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Wow! March is already here! Next up, spring will come. Maybe some of you ladies have already started working on your 2017 resolutions but March is the perfect time to start since Spring, “the season of new beginnings”, is just weeks away. It’s fitting to get start laying the groundwork for your goals. Now on a personal level, I want to be more adventurous. More often than not, when you hear the word “adventurous” you think of athletes, people who love to go camping every weekend, or skydiving. But, you don’t need to do any of those things to go on an adventure. Adventures can be found anywhere if we are willing to step out of our comfort zones. Best of all you don’t even have to spend a whole lot! Some cases, no money is involved. If you are looking to add a bit more fun and ignite that fiery side of your, try out these small tips to be adventurous on a budget.

1.) Visit the next town over.

Maybe you have a desire to travel but don’t have the money to spend on a trip to Europe. Just getting out of town every once in awhile will do the trick. Is there a city nearby that you have always heard about? Pick any day you can escape from work and go! Act like a tourist by visiting new places and meet the locals. Ask around about the hottest spots in town. I’m sure they will be happy to show you around.

2.) Take the train!

I’ve only taken the train twice in my childhood. Both times were on school field trips but those were some of the best travel experiences of my life. I’m a sucker for car rides too and don’t mind taking the bus, but taking the train makes me feel like I am going on a real adventure like in those classic British literature novels. Best of all, you are not driving! So if you want to not drive for a bit, trying this mode of transportation is a good option. Particularly if you are doing what I recommended above, this will bring out the explorer in you.  Just sit back, look out the window and embrace the change of scenery.

3.) Plan out your day to visit new places near your home.

This one is fun to do, especially with the family. Think of any places you have never been to in your city. Take time out to plan out excursions to go see them during the day. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It could be something small like a trip to a local art gallery or dining at a new restaurant that serves food from a different country.

4.) Hiking/Long Walks.

If you are up to the task, hiking is one of the best ways to start becoming more adventurous. Hiking gives you a chance to enjoy nature and take in your environment. It can be a hike to your local hilltops or just take an hour long walk in a park.It’s even better if you walk near a body of water such as lake or pond. Walking in nature is, in my opinion, kind of a spiritual experience. It helps clears the mind of stress. With technology dominating our world, connecting with nature is one of the best ways to unplug yourself from the constant streams of Twitter and Facebook feeds.

5.) Hangout with More Adventurous People.

This last tip is probably the cheapest on this list because it’s free. Being scared of coming out of your comfort zone is normal. To make the process easier is hanging out with friends that are more adventurous than you. Chilling with them and learning what makes them live life more passionately will help you bring that fire out of you. So if you got a friend that loves going to concerts and you have never been to a live show in your life? Go with them! Got a friend that loves to go camping once a month? Take their invite. Being adventurous is all about being open to new experiences. What’s better than sharing new experiences with those you love?

Now, get out there! Adventure awaits.

What are some things you do to help you come out of your comfort zone? What ways help you to become more adventurous? Let us know in the comments.

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