Since election day, the feeling of demanding change is palpable among many minority groups. We see angry protesters sweep the nation on television. It’s hard to go about a day without hearing reports of hate speech/crime attacking blacks, Muslims, Latinos, LGBTQ and other minority groups.It can feel discouraging, let alone causing fear within yourself. While those negative emotions are valid, don’t let it stop you from sharing your voice.  If anything, this election cycle has inspired other people to get involved in the political process. And there is nothing better listening to some music to help spark that fire in you. Music has a large history of impacting our world by influencing change in our society. From civil rights movement to climate change, recording artists have been using their talents to inspire us to push society forward and create change future generations can have better lives.

Here are some classic protest tracks you need to have in your playlist:

  1. What’s Going On? By Marvin Gaye. – a timeless classic written by Obie Benson whose witness of police brutality during an anti-war protest inspired the track. With police brutality occurring today, the song is quite fitting.

  1. We Are The World by USA (United Support of Artists) for Africa- Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, and Quincy Jones banded together to write a song about the poverty in Africa to inspire donations for the non-profit organization. The song was remade back in 2010 to fundraise money for Haiti after their devastating earthquake.    

  1. Dreamer by Prince– A heavy hitter with some killer guitar riffs is this track by Prince. This song re-emphasizes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. With race being a hot issue today, it is sad we have still fight to be treated right.

  1. Earth Song by Michael Jackson– While this song is not precisely about climate change, Michael Jackson was an activist who spoke on just about anything unjust including the destruction of our environment and the animals who suffer because of man’s apathy towards it. If you are somebody who’s an environmentalist, this song is key to your playlist.

  1. Freedom by Kendrick Lamar & Beyonce– This is a must have. Though the song is a track for the black lives matter movement, I’m sure many other ethnic groups who feel marginalized today can relate to this song on some accord. Highly recommend you watch Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar’s BET performance of this track. It’s simply powerful.

What is your favorite protest song? Comment down below.

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