Why Every Woman Should Keep a Journal

For me, journaling is an old pastime. I’ve been journaling on and off since I was 6 years old. Recently, I purchased a traveler’s notebook so I can start writing for fun again. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this kind of notebook, it is basically a slap of leather in which you can add inserts in. The more you use the notebook, the wear of the leather starts to show over time. So it will look as if you have been on many adventures. Think of a journal that Indiana Jones would use. I am in loving this system of writing! This challenges me to be creative. It also provides me with more than enough space to document both my personal and spiritual growth.

Journals have always been a safe space for women. With all that is happening in today’s world, I think keeping a journal can be beneficial to us. Though, it can be tough to keep it up because life is full of distractions. Writing makes us slow down so we can value life’s precious moments. It doesn’t have to be a drag, though. Writing can be fun! You will be surprised by how much your life changes when you decide to put your thoughts down on paper.

Here are three reasons why you should keep a journal this year:

1.) It Encourages Personal Development

Writing is a fun way to track personal growth in many areas of your life. You can look back to see how much you have grown as an individual every day. If you are keeping a list your goals, you can keep track of your progress as you go towards achieving your dreams. If you are interested in spiritual growth, you can keep records of your prayers, meditations, and scriptures to see how you are developing in that area. We could look back at old chapters to see where we went right or wrong. Journaling forces us to look at our shortcomings in an honest way. So when we read about our past mistakes we can go, “I will never do that ever again.” and then make better choices in the future.

2.) Writing Boosts Creativity

Journaling on a consistent basis helps you to think outside the box. This can be useful in many ways. On a mental level, writing can generate new problem-solving ideas. You will find yourself being open to new ways of thinking. You’d start to see an issue from a new perspective. Keeping a journal can also inspire you to get creative in an artistic way, even if you don’t call yourself an artist. Sometimes we stop journaling because the journal itself looks boring. Try watercolors, scrapbooking, or adding your favorite photos to your entries to make it feel more personal. The more you write, the more creative you are in the real world.

3.) A Journal Is A Therapist You Can See For Free!

Writing is incredibly helpful to your mental health. Basically, a journal is a therapist you can talk to without spending a dime. Life can be overwhelming. We can get stressed out. At times, we may feel as if we can not turn to another person for help. But with a journal, you could at least turn inward. When you do this, you can start to find clarity or closure from certain situations. You will begin to feel less stressed the more you spill out onto the page. So don’t judge yourself as you are letting your thoughts flow out. No one can judge you either because it is only you who is reading this. Your space is your own.

Sound off, ladies. Do you keep a journal? If not, why? If so, how has it helped you in your life? Let us know down in the comments below.

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