Overspending is a major part of the holiday season for many. Are you in need of holiday saver gift ideas to minimize your spending? Before you spend another penny, you might need to get a game plan for putting the brakes on extreme, and expensive, holiday gifting. You are not alone. Others are doing the same thing. But, when the bills start rolling in, you’re going to feel that heavy financial burden if you don’t slow things down a bit.

It’s only natural to want to see everybody on your holiday list overjoyed with their Christmas gifts. That, however, does not mean that you have to spend beyond your means to make them happy. Never forget that the gift is only as good as the thought behind it. People can tell when you’ve put thought into what you have given them. Most will appreciate that much more than worrying about how much you’ve spent. So, consider getting away from being the “Big Spender” and adopt a more realistic, “Holiday Saver” title this gift giving season.

To help corral your spending and get you on the holiday saver path, we have compiled a list of awesome gifts ideas. All of them are under $10 each! We know that sounds good to your ears and to your wallet.

Satisfy Their Sweet Tooth

Sweeten up someone’s Christmas with gourmet chocolates. Top quality chocolate treats can be bought for less than $10 each. Many top brands like Godiva or Lindt even offer packaging that is absolutely perfect for the holidays. You could also go to a chocolatier and buy a small package of hand made chocolate goodies. Delicious, thoughtful, and inexpensive…that’s a win all around!

More Than Just A Gift

Give the gift that keeps on giving…a winter herb garden. Purchase starter sized herb plants and bundle them in beautiful holiday ribbons. This is both a gift and an activity! Whether the recipient decides to keep the herbs potted or actually transplant them to the outdoors, these fragrant and beautiful plants will add a bit of flavor to their life!

Power Them Up

Make their Christmas power-full! It’s inevitable that our devices need a little boost from time to time. You could, literally, become someone’s hero with this little holiday saver gift idea. Get them a portable power bank, or a set of them! Power banks come in so many different styles and sizes. If your recipient is more chic and likes stylish things, you may want to get one that can serve multiple purposes, such as a mirror compact design. For those who are more into function and less into fashion, go for the standard ones that can fit in a purse or a jean pocket.

Have Gifts, Will Travel

If you have folks on your list who love travel, there are so many wonderful holiday saver ideas for them. Consider getting them custom travel tags that they can attach to their luggage, or a custom “travel rest pack” that includes a sassy eye mask, a comfy travel pillow, and soft slipper socks.

Something For The Heart

But, one gift that gets to the heart is a journal. Journals are perfect for a holiday saver because they, generally, are reasonably priced. With themed covers ranging from the more spiritual to the whimsical, there has to be a totally amazing journal out there for those on your holiday list.


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