







Written By: Girl Tyler

The dreaded end-of-the-year slump has arrived. To go in or call out? That is the question! Santa is on the brain, but there are metrics to be met before 2022 rolls around. Be proactive and avoid the urge to procrastinate. This time of year is prime for hitting the snooze on your alarm. Don’t sleep on the progress you’ve made, allowing it to wither away in the last few weeks of 2021. Take inventory of work-related goals then move forward with precision. A clear mind always gets the job done. You deserve to enjoy the holiday vacation without having to worry about the work waiting for you at the office, be it remote or in person. Wrap-up the year on a high note. Here are a few tips to ensure productivity through December 31st.

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize!

Time management is key. Before you begin any task, ask yourself, “Does this item need my immediate attention or is it a post-holiday mission?" Be honest with your answer then proceed with a strategy. Your one-woman show needs a co-star? Ask for help when you need it. Create a checklist. Meet deadlines earlier than usual. Do what you can, but also know when it is time to shut down.

Tidy Up Your Inbox

Dreaded inbox clutter. The more your inbox swells, the more your anxiety will rise. Set aside intentional time to unsubscribe from newsletters that no longer serve you. Delete the messages that you have replied to. Set your away message and once the holiday arrives, silence your work notifications (if you can).

Send Out Thank You Emails

This is the season for gratitude. Remember all the people who had your back this year? Drop them a kind note. Send them a virtual gift card. It feels good to reconnect with those who have lifted you up this year. A simple check-in can bring you a bit of joy even on the days when your plate is full. Show your appreciation and let people know you’re thinking about them. The New Year is around the corner, and you will need good people in your corner come 2022.

Outline Your Achievements

Everyone should keep a brag folder on their desktop highlighting key moments of the year. Take some time to reflect on your many accomplishments. Doing so will remind you why you do the work you do and empower you to finish strong.

Set New Year Goals

Q1 2022 is waiting on you at the door. Go in with laser focus, setting expectations for you and your team. Aim to pick up a new skill or go for a promotion. List professional development training you’d like to participate in. Outline suggestions to improve your job functions and at the start of 2022, present them to your supervisor.

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