Written By: Saeeda Ruffin

Like the wrap dress, you can take your Kaftan from beach balling to babe-watch with a little styling trickery. It’s mad exciting thinking about how amazing you will look in this beautiful piece.Without a doubt, your Kaftan will become a staple of your vacation gear. This must-wear clothing wonder has made a believer out of many around the globe who have experienced its natural, flowy elegance first-hand.

Here’s your super easy Kaftan styling guide to take your Kaftan from long to short without taking it to a seamstress:

2 Ways To Shorten Things Up

There are two quick and easy ways to shorten your Kaftan. The first is to use hair ties. Create a ponytail on either side of the waist area by gathering the fabric the same way that you gather hair for a ponytail. Then, affix the tie around the gathered fabric. You can do this on one side or on both sides. Doing this will also expose those sexy side splits. So, if you want to show some leg, pony the sides and let those legs do their thang.


The second way to shorten your Kaftan is to put a belt around your waist. Then, pull the fabric up to shorten the Kaftan to your desired length. Using this fashion trick, you can actually create a whole ‘nother look by turning the Kaftan into a cute little dress or top! This will also make the Kaftan appear a bit more form fitting, which is awesome for petite sistas.


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