We're always having a melanated Christmas in the house of Izzy & Liv! We've had a ton of amazing products over the years & our staff got together to chat about our favorites. We'll admit, it was tough to choose just one thing, but we made it.
When shopping for your loved ones, or yourself, this holiday season, take a page out of the Izzy & Liv Brown Sugar Babe staff for what to add to your shopping list.

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: My favs are the Boys & Girls Brown Sugar Subscription Box. They have a special place in my heart because the driving force behind Izzy & Liv is my desire to show all four of my children how beautiful and unique, they are.
Fav Holiday Song: Mary Did You Know
Nicole, CEO

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: I have 2 favs! I love the versatility of the Satin Headwrap Scarf & the pigments in the Issa Vibe Lipstick Set.
Fav Holiday Song: O’Holy Night
Gaby, Director of Supply Chain Operations & Logistics

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: Hands down-the Vibrant Vibes Shower Curtain. It's the bright and bold colors for me!
Fav Holiday Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Tasha, Marketing & Creative Operations Director

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: Poppin' Print Pajama Pants. They're super comfy and I can easily transition from sleepwear to a cute daytime outfit.
Fav Holiday Movie: Friday After Next

Fav Izzy & LivProduct: Mother Earth Press On Manicure Set, I love press ons and this design was so cute!
Fav Holiday Movie: Home Alone

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: I am a super fan of the Kimonos. I love how versatile they are, and the lightweight fabric allows you to layer the look.
Fav Holiday Song: All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey
Mallory, Community Manager and Content Creator

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: I love the Kaftan from the June Box. It is lightweight, versatile, and comes in really cool prints. I also like that there are numerous styling options.
Fav Holiday Movie: This Christmas
Ka'Sandra, Customer Service Representative

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: Melanin Goddess Hot & Cold Tumbler; because it keeps my coffee warm all morning!
Fav Holiday Song: 8 Days of Christmas by Destiny’s Child
Shaina, Web Producer/Site Merchandiser

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: The Issa Vibe Lipstick set because of the really cute names for the lipsticks, plus there's a shade for everyone
Fav Holiday Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life
Habakkuk, Planning & Sourcing Manager

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: Cozy 3/4 Sleeve Sleep-shirt because it’s so comfortable and stylish.
Fav Holiday Song: All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
Brittney, Customer Service Manager

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: Brown Sugar Box, because of the surprise nature and monthly goodies
Fav Holiday Song: This Christmas by Chris Brown
Zhane, Customer Service Representative

Fav Izzy & Liv Product: All our stationery sets because I love to take notes and it’s super convenient. Plus, they’re stylish!
Fav Holiday Song: All is Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey
Jasmina, Product Development and QC Manager
Browse our Holiday Gift Guide here for more gift giving ideas!
Start Your Holiday Shopping Early This Year!
Crafty, Sexy, Cool Make and Take Ideas