Written By: Jarius Edens

It's 2021, and it's time to SLAY with grace. All of the events, concerns, and opportunities of 2020 revealed that we all can make the most of even unforeseen moments. We can build businesses, educate our children, learn new languages, revolutionize our society, and change the world through our vote and our voice. There is nothing Black women can’t do when they choose to SLAY their goals and the obstacles that are in their way.

Black women are ready to do the same in 2021. SLAY this year with ease, intellect, style, and intention. The first step to making this year everything you want it to be, you must stay connected to who you are deep down inside. This means that every Brown Sugar Babe is standing tall in who she is, what she believes, and how she shows up in the world.

How Do You Slay 2021?

(S) Stay Present. There are no rewards for remaining in the past, and there are no answers in trying to determine the future. When we decide to stay present, we understand the art of gratefulness while noticing the opportunities right in front of us. For the rest of 2021, stay present as you build your empire and knock down those doors. Stay present by showing gratitude each morning, focusing on what you can do right now in the moment, and seizing chances when they present themselves to you. The best gift you can give yourself is to stay present.

(L) Listen More. The greatest element of communication is listening. Let’s make learning the #1 priority for 2021. Listen more, sis. Take time and hear what others have to say without the push to find a response. Oftentimes, when we listen with our hearts, we open ourselves up to greater opportunities. Take 2021 by the ears and focus on what you hear more than what you speak. Listening is learning, and learning is growth.

(A) Activate Your Gift. Find your thing, and ACTIVATE it! That’s what you were placed on this earth to do. Activate your gift, and share it with the world. You have so much to give, and it starts with acknowledging the gift, bringing it to the forefront, and igniting it for the world to see. You have the gift inside of you, and 2021 is the year to let it out.

(Y) Yield to Joy: Allow 2021 to be your year of JOY. Take in the moments that make you smile, laugh, and feel undeniably free. We’ve seen enough heartache to know that joy is the answer. Take time this year to keep a JOY JOURNAL and focus on the things that make your heart smile. Do more of those activities. Whether it’s dancing or holding virtual business conferences, yield to joy this year.

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