On Sunday, the Soul Train Awards aired on BET, hosted once again by the Queen Ms. Erykah Badu. Watching it with the Black Twitter fam was the move, as usual, and the show did not not disappoint. The Soul Train Awards has always been an iconic award show for the black community. A space where we can recognize artists achievements, experience amazing performances, and award legends who have made an impact in the African American community. With the 2016 Soul Train Awards behind us, let’s go back in time and reminisce on our favorite Soul Train Award Moments

Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu Soul Train Awards

Of course we gotta start her. Erykah Badu is the Queen of the Neo-Soul Movement, and last year she showed us that she had some hosting skills as well. She started off the 2015 Soul Train Awards with a bang as she prank called Iggy Azalea. Then Badu did her thing performing her discography, some new and some old.

The Soul Cypher

Soul Cypher Soul Train Awards

2015 added a new segment to the award show, The Soul Cypher. R&B artists came together to sing down and have a battle of the riffs. Some highlights were Lalah Hathaway paying tribute to her legendary father Donny Hathaway.  

TLC’s Iconic Performance

At the 1999 Soul Train Awards TLC had an iconic performance of their hit song “Unpretty”. This song is an anthem for women all across the world about how they are beautiful regardless of what anyone says. They delivered a powerful rendition of this hit.

Prince’s Acceptance Speech

Prince Soul Train Awards

Prince always danced to the beat of his own drum, and his speech at the 2000 Soul Train Awards was no different. Prince took his five minutes to talk about self empowerment, and how he was trying to pry away from the hands of the music industry. Instead of the traditional thank you message, he took a more political approach.

Teddy Riley Legend Award

Teddy Riley Soul Train Awards

We couldn’t leave without shouting out a dope moment from this year’s Soul Train Awards show. A highlight for sure was Teddy Riley’s acceptance of the Legend Award along with his performance afterwards. Teddy took us back with song’s from the 90’s like “I Like the Way” by Hi5 and classic hits like “Just Got Paid” by Johnny Kemp. Oh and to top it off, we got treated to special appearances by Bobby Brown and Doug E. Fresh!

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