With the explosion of the natural hair movement, black women creating product lines of products tailored to our hair, and even bigger brands hopping on the bandwagon, it’s safe to say that Black hair care has come a long way. Yes, there’s still more work to be done but the black hair care industry is bigger and better than ever. From the newer brands like Oyin Handmade, mega lines like Shea Moisture, and the ones that have been holding us down for decades like Carol’s Daughter, we got options on options! But we can’t forget about the staples that we all grew up on. Taking this quick trip down memory lane to the classic black hair products we used to love.

Luster’s Pink Oil Moisturizer

Classic black hair careWho can forget that classic pink bottle and the even more memorable smell? This pink lotion was the ultimate problem solver when it came to black hair. No matter what your issue was, pink lotion had your back. Dry hair? Pink lotion. Frizzy edges? Pink lotion. Perfect hair day? Thank pink lotion.




Blue Magic Conditioning Hair Dress

Classic Black Hair CareAhh that classic blue–and sometimes green–hair grease. You just knew your braids were about to be poppin when there was Blue Magic involved. Although the smell was nothing to desire and the greasy feel was even worse, there was nothing quite like a fresh style brought to life with Blue Magic.



Ampro Pro Styl Black Gel

Classic Black hair CareBefore there was edge control and Eco Styler there was black gel. And it had our baby hairs laid for days back then. It was thick, laid on the hair like a paste, and left crazy flakes when you were finally ready to wash it out but that didn’t stop us from using it on a daily basis.



Lotta Body Setting Lotion

If you were a wash, press, and wrap kind of girl, you knew allll about this wrapping lotion. This was a relaxed girl’s essential hair product. Smoothing this down your freshly relaxed hair and styling in a classic doobie? Couldn’t tell us nothing!





Hollywood Beauty Oils

Classic black hair careOh if we would have known then what we know now. Before everyone got game to 100% oils for hair care, we relied on Hollywood Beauty. This was our coconut, carrot, tea tree oils before using oils became a thing. What we didn’t peep was how much other stuff that wasn’t so good for us was packed inside these babies. Welp, when you know better you do better right? Plus, we’re not gonna lie, these had are hair looking fly for a minute or two.

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