Stuff We L♡ve

The Wine Down Playlist

The Wine Down Playlist

It’s impossible to predict how long we’ll be indoors. Your home is now your office, daycare, nail salon, restaurant, and more. You deserve a break from home.While every state has different COVID-19 protocols and guidelines in place, it may be tough for you to safely travel to a vacation spot. Bring on the staycation vibes. Get creative in rediscovering ways to relax at home. Fill up your glass with a strong beverage (or if you’re like me, reach for something virgin) and toast it up to some much-needed me time with the Wine Down playlist. These smooth, melodic songs will guide you into a zenful state despite the world around you. Staying at home for recreation is an adjustment. Unwind with these smooth R&B vibes.

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Home is Where the Heart Is: Why Black Women Need a Sanctuary

Home is Where the Heart Is: Why Black Women Need a Sanctuary

Safety and comfort are two elements of life we deserve. Quote simply, it is what puts our minds at ease and our hearts at rest. It can come from the warm cup of tea we drink or the soft blanket we snuggle under after a long day out in the world. As Black women, especially, we need and deserve the safety and comfort that comes from having our own sanctuaries. That begs the question: “Are Black women safe?” Do we truly have a place to rest and relax – a place where we can finally take off our capes (if only for a few hours) and just be at peace with ourselves.

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Beauties of the Month - Shaleea V.

Beauties of the Month - Shaleea V.

I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) at the age of 41 after my second mammogram when the tech noticed a difference in my images from my first mammogram just one year earlier. After that, I had a follow-up 3D mammogram and a biopsy that confirmed that there were cancer cells present. I sought a second opinion at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and subsequently received treatment there. I had a lumpectomy to remove the cancer cells in December 2018 followed by 16 rounds of radiation in February of  2019. 

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Beauties of the Month - LaTasha P.

Beauties of the Month - LaTasha P.

I found a lump in my breast when I was 34-years-old, after completing my monthly self-exam. At that time, I had a 9-year-old & a 4-year-old son. Initially, I was told that I just had very dense breasts, but I knew something was wrong. I had been a teacher for 12 years and when school started in August, I was very drained and lethargic by the time I got home. Because of my age, my doctors did not want to send me to have testing beyond my initial mammogram because they thought I was too young. I was persistent and found a doctor that was willing to send me for an ultrasound, which led them to find two tumors and on October 6, 2011, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Invasive Breast Cancer. I was in a fight for my life; I had many rounds of chemo & surgery, but I didn’t give up! I am still here today healthy and happy living my life to the fullest! I make it a point to remind women to do their monthly exams and follow up if something does not feel right.

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Beauties of the Month - Jacqueline C.

Beauties of the Month - Jacqueline C.

I want to nominate my mom (pictured) who is a Breast Cancer survivor and share her journey. It was a tough journey and she overcame that battle in August of this year. She lost her husband (my father) to cancer and then 7 years later, she was diagnosed herself. After battling a brain tumor and then Breast Cancer, she survived ! No battle is easy, but she handled the fight gracefully ! She is currently still going to appointments and taking chemotherapy in the form of a pill. To be my only parent standing strong with God as the head of our household is victory!

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Beauties of the Month - Sasia M.

Beauties of the Month - Sasia M.

On October 17, 2013, I went to have my mammogram like I always do and I was not really worried or concerned about anything because I did a self-examination and didn’t FEEL anything. My examination was over and done with and I went about my business and then, I received a letter in the mail. I happened to be having a phone conversation and while we were talking, I went silent. He asked, “are you still there?” and I replied, “yes, I just received a letter stating that my mammogram was abnormal and that I needed to go have another one.” 

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Beauties of the Month - Emma L.

Beauties of the Month - Emma L.

I have been a 3-year Breast Cancer survivor! I have 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren, a sister to 7 siblings and an auntie to my  nieces and nephews.

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Beauties of the Month - Mary C.

Beauties of the Month - Mary C.

I had my mammogram as usual in June of 2012. The results came back and everything was good. Later that year in early December, I casually ran my hand across my right breast and I felt a lump so the next morning, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. On my visit, he said he wanted to schedule another mammogram and ultrasound. Two days later, the woman who was performing the mammogram told me she would be right back and came back with the Chief Radiologist. I didn't have just 1 lump, but I had another lump forming underneath the lump that I found. A biopsy was done immediately the next day. 

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5 Ways to Educate Yourself Without Going Back to School

5 Ways to Educate Yourself Without Going Back to School

One of the most awesome gifts that life gives us is an abundance of opportunities to better ourselves. We all know that we should welcome and embrace every chance to learn. With all of that, when we talk about learning people automatically jump to the assumption that learning can only be done in a classroom with heavy textbooks and a whiteboard full of notes. Nope...that’s totally not true. Learning can happen anywhere! There are so many fantastic ways to further educate yourself and not one of them forces you to go back to school.

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