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Looking Back: People We Lost in 2017
While 2017 is dwindling down, we thought we could reflect a bit on this past year and pay tribute to some amazing, talented individuals who we lost. Hearing news of another beloved figure passing away is never fun, especially if you admired a particular celebrity. So rather than just mourn, let’s celebrate the achievements of […]
Who else has been keeping up with one of our favorite 90’s girl groups every Sunday night? If you haven’t been watching Still Kickin It on Bravo, you might want to start. Our girls are making a comeback and we are HYPE. Kandi, Tiny, Tamika, and LaTocha, also known as Xscape, have been touring, performing, […]
20 Ways You Can Give Back This Holiday Season
Tis the season of giving! Christmas is so different from many holidays. Personally, it forces me to slow down, take in the winter air, and feel a sense of joy around. Simultaneously, it’s a time not many people have the opportunity to enjoy wholeheartedly due to stressful or severely hard times. Of course, one doesn’t […]
Gift Guide: 5 Gifts for Those Who “Stay Woke”
When it comes to the holidays, most of people know people that fall into one of two groups. Those who’ve been waiting since October for the most wonderful time of the year…and those that have been woke. WE love them both, but when it comes to getting your woke friends gifts with meaning, it takes […]
4 Celebrities We’re Thankful for This Year
As we wind down the year and prepare ourselves for a Thanksgiving feast, we’re all flooded with people and things we’re thankful for. The years seem to get more tumultuous as time goes on, but there are always a few shining lights that are a beacon of hope. Before you chow down of some turkey […]
4 Gift Ideas For Your Holiday Host
Hey Ladies! The holidays are just around the corner. And since Thanksgiving is just a week away, I’m sure you are already planning to head out to a couple of get-togethers with family and friends. However, you don’t want to forget to show appreciation for the person who is hosting the shindig. Before you go, […]
How To Develop A Gratitude Practice
Hey ladies! Question: how often do you show gratitude on a daily basis? We know Thanksgiving Day is coming up but the concept of giving thanks goes beyond the holiday festivities. Having an attitude of gratitude throughout the year does wonders in your life. It increases your mood and it helps create a positive outlook. God […]
Treat Yo’Self: Don’t Forget YOU this Season
It’s the season of giving and while you’re hustling and bustling, we want to send you a gentle reminder to remember to take care of yourself this time of the the year. Ensuring that we take care of ourselves is essential for our health and psyche and ensures that we’re able to show up for […]
3 Business Books To Add To Your Fall Reading List
Do you aspire to start your own business? If so, this post is for you. While venturing out on your own to achieve your dreams is brave in of itself, becoming a successful business owner is a journey. In recent years, African American women are leading entrepreneurship spike in the economy and are creating successful […]