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Black Organizations To Support For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In the U.S, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. According to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, black women have a higher mortality rate but get diagnosed at a younger age compared to white women. Despite differences between groups, the fact of the […]
4 Ways to Take Inventory on Your Life
While we’re speeding towards the end of the year, it seems as if last month, we were ringing in 2017. As we prepare ourselves for the holiday season and the coming of 2018, it’s time for us to reflect and renew. Everything is a learning experience, and I’m sure we all have a few memories […]
3 Ways to Support Breast Cancer Awareness
One in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer through her lifetime. Over 200,000 new cases appear every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and each year, we raise awareness for the leading cancer in women. While it’s impossible for us to make medical advances unless we’re working in oncology, raising […]
4 Podcasts to Inspire Your Hustle
If you haven’t jumped on the podcast bandwagon, let us be the first to inform you: Podcasts are the new radio and they are here to stay. Podcasts are a great way to learn from people who are out here making moves. And if you’re the type of woman who dreams it, works hard, and […]
She’s a Survivor: 4 Women Who Beat Breast Cancer
One in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Every year, there are over 250,000 cases of breast cancer diagnosed. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and you might see advocates for the cause hold walks to raise money. You might even notice your favorite sports […]
4 Must-Have Anthems for Your Self-Care Playlist
When people say music feeds your soul, they aren’t lying. From the beat to the lyrics, it all works together to make us feel something. Most days, we’re so focused on our careers, our family, and our friends, but when do we take the time to focus on ourselves? When do we take the time […]
Editors’ Picks: Black Women Rock
There are certain days that are set aside for celebrating black women and then there are the days that we create ourselves. Today is one of those. Where I’m just feeling the inspiration and empowerment from really dope black women, past and present. Here are my picks to take the black women who rock with […]
10 Lyrics To Keep You Motivated
A season comes and another is upon us. Now that fall is here it means we have just a few months left of the year. Many of us may be going over our goals. Seeing which one we have completed or have yet to accomplish. It’s easy to get discouraged if you see a goal […]
7 Motivational Quotes You’ll Love
As we start a new month and head into a season, a lot of us are reflecting our goals and measuring our progress. Especially with the end of the year right around the corner. It’s not always easy to keep ourselves motivated but sometimes, all we need is to find something that resonates with us […]