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5 Powerful Quotes for Us by Us
With Black history Month behind and Women’s History Month ahead, for Black Women, we find ourselves in the often difficult but always magical position of being both. And while it should be easy to see ourselves represented in each of these spaces, we know all too well, how that often turns out: “All the Women […]
3 Black History Books for Your Library
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” If you’re no longer in school, one of the best ways you can continue to lead of life of learning is to read, read, and read some more. All this month, we’ve been celebrating Black History by sharing […]
A Playlist to Inspire Activism
With February and March being two months dedicated to our history (black people and women), a lot of us find ourselves in the position where we are both celebrating our pasts and finding ways that we can improve our futures. For some that looks like volunteering in our communities, for others it might look like […]
4 Black Activists To Know: Past and Present
This month more than ever, we find ourselves looking back at the people who fought for social change. Many have lost their lives trying to fight an unjust system. Others still continue the fight in any way their voices can be heard. Today, we’re taking a moment to recognize a few of the most prominent […]
5 Black History Museums to Visit
With the end of Black History Month swiftly approaching, you might find yourself trying to squeeze in a few more bits of culture. Visiting museums are one on way to soak up some black history year round. Even if you don’t make it this month, here are are a few museums that highlight and tell […]
Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Motivated
And just like that, the first month of the year is behind us. If you’re feeling super energized and excited at all you accomplished the first month of the year, kudos to you! But, if you’re looking around like where did the time go and feeling like you haven’t even got started, don’t worry you’re […]
Happy New Year, Ladies! We made it to 2018 and it’s lit! You have your goals all lined up. You are energized and feel you are ready to go out there to make 2018 your year. No matter what you want to achieve, you should have a good idea of how you want to feel […]
How To Support Black Businesses Year Round
Another year and another chance to support black-owned businesses! Black-owned businesses, like Izzy & Liv, cannot thrive without the support of patrons and customers. It is amazing to see many black men and women out there in the world, taking charge of their careers by serving others. However, it isn’t easy out there! People need […]
Dominate Your Goals this Year with These Apps
How many of us can admit that far too often, we’ve written resolutions year after year only to find ourselves not completing them. Maybe you’re like me and you have refrained from writing a new year resolutions list this year because of that same reason. Still, you know deep down there are practical goals you […]